RX-150 Tracking System
148-152.000 MHz
PRICE ..... $895.00
Ships in a week or less!
Includes Yagi Antenna,
Carrying Case, Rechargeable
Batteries and Chargers
RX-SPECIAL Tracking System
Any continuous 4MHz range between
149.000 and 174.000 MHz
PRICE ..... $895.00
Ships in a week or less!
Includes same accessories as the
RX-150 shown above
R-5000 Telemetry System
(Replaces R-1000)
Any continuous 4 MHz range between
148.000 MHz and 174.000 MHz
or 216.000 MHz to 222.000 MHz
Price …. $1195.00
Includes Yagi Antenna,
Carrying Case, Rechargeable
Batteries and Chargers